
Communication Tips for Couples in Recovery

If you have found yourself in a troubled relationship, there is a very good chance you grew up with parents who argued and fought often. Your household was most likely filled with the sounds of angry voices, raised in an attempt to be heard or to simply drown out the other person.This means you had no role models for how...[ read more ]

4 Powerful Immunity Boosters

As we continue to grapple with the Covid-19 pandemic, many of us are wondering how we can boost our immune systems. You most likely know you should take more vitamin C, but here are some other ways you can give your immunity a powerful boost:Tackle That StressWhen we’re stressed, our bodies produce stress hormones like cortisol, which weaken our immune...[ read more ]

Tips for Staying Healthy While Working from Home

For some people, working from home is a normal routine. This is, after all, the gig economy, and many people have been freelancing, making a living from their home office for many years now. But for others, working from home is a completely new phenomenon brought about by the global pandemic.For this second group of people, working from home has...[ read more ]

Does Online Couple’s Therapy Work?

The current global pandemic has caused most people in this country to have to shelter in place for many months. This has caused a lot of stress and strain for families and couples. And, often acute or sudden stress can bring underlying relationship issues to the surface.But, since many states are still in lockdown mode and residents are still practicing...[ read more ]

Mental Health Habits for 2021

We live in a society that seems obsessed with physical health and weight loss. A majority of people have tried one or more diets to lose weight. People join gyms, juice, and take supplements, all in an effort to optimize their physical health.Sadly, most people don’t give their mental health a second thought.The problem is, no matter how good you...[ read more ]

Can Eating Fruits & Vegetables Boost Your Mood?

You know you’re supposed to eat more fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy diet, but did you know that the nutrients in fruits and veggies are essential for balancing your mood? It’s true and science is now proving it.Researchers and economists from the University of Warwick in the UK, in conjunction with Dartmouth College in the US, studied...[ read more ]

Do You Suffer from Anxiety? Yoga Can Help!

Life is full of moments that cause us to feel stressed or nervous. Getting up and speaking in front of a large group of people, starting a new school, and trying to ace that important job interview - all of these scenarios can make us fearful, resulting in sleepless nights and performance jitters.The problem starts when this fear becomes persistent...[ read more ]

How to Face Food and Fitness Challenges During COVID-19

If anyone had told us a year ago that we would be facing a global pandemic – one that would cause the entire world to go on lockdown – no one would have believed it. But here we are.While some states have begun to reopen, there are still many areas where children are not going to school and adults are...[ read more ]

Intuitive Eating During COVID-19

COVID-19 can be compared to freshmen year of college – it’s stressful, you feel overwhelmed, and it’s way too easy to pack on an extra 15 pounds! Many of us, having been stuck at home and dealing with stress for the past 4-5 months, have found our eating habits have taken a nosedive.So how do we remedy this?Many of us...[ read more ]

How Counseling Can Help You Reach Your Goals in the New Year

If you struggle to set goals, let alone reach them, you are definitely not alone. In fact, it is thought that roughly 92% of the population has found it hard to stick to goals. This constant cycle of trying to set beneficial life or health goals, but never quite reaching them, can ultimately lead to depression.That’s because reaching goals is...[ read more ]

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